Dental Bonding Procedure
I’m Dr. Peter Wong from HVS, and I’m here to discuss one of our most popular topics. So, composite bonding is when a tooth-colored resin substance is applied to the teeth’s surfaces. It’s a terrific approach to adjust the curve of your teeth somewhat. We can fix gaps in your teeth and even modify the color of your teeth. The procedure is actually quite basic and straightforward. It’s critical to see our patients for dental exams on a regular basis to ensure that they qualify for composite bonding, but the procedure entails taking the color of the teeth and then attempting to match that color with the resin.
So, we’ll use a rubber sheet or a retractor to move the cheeks away from the teeth so we can establish a good connection. The resin is subsequently applied to the teeth’s surface. However, we must first separate them, clean their teeth, and apply dental glue to enable the resin to adhere. We use a UV laser to set it, then polish it well, and continue this process for as many teeth as necessary so that the patient is pleased. Composite bonding is a very successful dental therapy for reaching and treating individuals with varying levels of oral health. So, as long as they are fit and healthy, we examine their teeth, gums, and bites, and as long as everything is in order and the patient is satisfied, we may proceed and achieve a fantastic result.
Bonding has extremely few adverse effects, which is why it is so popular nowadays. It’s still vital to realize that they are very thin covers that are glued to the surface of the teeth after the process, so they’ll be perfectly straight afterward. It’s crucial to be cautious and cautious about what you eat. You can still eat normally, but you shouldn’t bite anything too hard. So, for example, we normally advise against biting into an apple. Cut it up and chew it with your back teeth. Try not to use your teeth as a tool; you don’t want to be opening any bags or containers with them, and few patients would, but it’s necessary to be cautious and cautious.
Apart from that, there are only a few minor adverse effects. You should continue taking care of your teeth in the same way you normally would. Unfortunately, if we do not maintain our teeth clean, we are all susceptible to dental decay. So, cleaning the gums and margins, as well as seeing a dentist and a hygienist on a regular basis, is critical to ensuring that they stay lovely and healthy and last a long time. Dental bonding is a fantastic cosmetic treatment that allows patients to alter the appearance of their teeth in a cost-effective and conservative manner.
There are numerous dental treatments available, as well as numerous things that can be done. Crowns and veneers, for example, can be fairly destructive, whereas composite bonding does not require any drilling or injections. It can be a very low-key technique to improve and elevate the smiles of patients. As a result, as long as the patients desire treatment, we will gladly supply it.
Dental bonding can be used to treat a wide range of patients in a wide range of situations. Dental bonding has no age restrictions, therefore it can be used by people as young as nine years old.
Because the tooth bonding is still new for the following 48 hours after the competitive bonding treatment, it is critical to understand a few things. For a couple of days, avoid eating or drinking anything with a lot of colors, such as tea, curry, red wine, or coffee, because the bonding may stain quickly. After then, you should be OK, and you should be able to resume your regular diet. You may still notice that your teeth discolor with time, in which case you should see your dentist or dental hygienist get them polished on a regular basis.
Another thing to keep in mind is hygiene. It’s critical to take care of the gums in order to keep them healthy, as well as to ensure that we’re not chewing into anything that could cause them to chip. It is fairly simple to repair them, but we certainly want to reduce the number of reasons for you to come back to see us.
Are you interested to find more about dental bonding? Read here!
Here is our latest article on differences between dental bonding and porcelain veneers!