What are the Symptoms of Root Canal Infections?
In this article, we’re going to talk about symptoms of a root canal infection. When you have an infection that starts in the tooth, it spreads down through the root and gets into the bone underlying the root. This infection can actually swell or spread and creates pressure that radiates to the jaw bone so that would lead to the most severe pain you could have. It actually can feel like it’s going through the entire jaw so it’s very common for a patient to come in and say I don’t know which one it is but it really hurts. Now before that occurs sometimes you’ll feel sensitivity because the hole in the tooth gets down to the nerve. So, hot and cold and sweets will actually cause a problem that may be a cavity or maybe the beginning of a root canal. Sometimes when the infection is inside the tooth, hot or cold can make it worse or better. I’ve actually seen where hot will make it feel worse and cold will make it feel better. This is a very good sign that you’re having an infection inside the tooth. This has to do with the expansion and contraction of the tooth and the nerve inside, so sometimes though it’s very evident because there’ll actually be swelling and even some pain and pus drainage right beside the tooth that’s affected.
What is a Partial Root Canal? – Read Here!