Best Composite Restoration Tips (FOR DENTAL PROFESSIONALS)
Tip 1: Use of rubber tam isolate
Make sure you don’t have any saliva or any other junk hemostasis getting on to that preparation after you etched and bonded because that’s gonna decrease your outcome and decrease your results.
Tip 2: Use a round tipper that’s pre-sterilized
During dental school we were taught to have perfectly sharp line angles, well I see nothing but cracked teeth day-in-day-out and I truly believe that using that type of sharp line angle is gonna cause an increase in the crack, So, use a round shape tipper.
Tip 3: Pre wedge to get a better contact
A little wedge with a little defender allows you to go even faster during preparation because it prevents and decreases the probability of causing damage to the adjacent tooth, so the problem with composites is that when they you polymerize them they shrink. So, increasing your pre-wedging time may help you get better contact.
Tip 4: Use a sharp instrument
Use a sharp instrument to scratch an old composite and you’ll get a black line, usually on the old composite and that will be able to tell you if it’s a composite of two structures.
Tip 5: Make sure the gingival contact is broken
There is nothing more frustrating in life than trying to jam down a sectional matrix or takla mire and you haven’t broken the gingival part of the contact.
Tip 6: Don’t trace cracks that crack is likely
If cracks are 25 to 50 percent deeper than you can see, so the best is to leave it, restore it and prepare the patient for a potential full customer resurrect restoration.
Tip 7: Use a sectional matrix
Find one that fits and these are absolutely incredible for making an unbelievable contour and contact.
Tip 8: Try out using plastic wedges
They’re garrison and makes them impaler that makes them. They are far superior to the wood ones. They don’t break they just bend and when they go in place they stay, they don’t wedge fall out.
Tip 9: Use one of the sectional matrix rings
There are totally different types of sizes and they just are the icing on the cake that makes an absolutely perfect contour what you might want to do is burnish the matrix band to the adjacent tooth. That will just kind of make sure you have perfect contact.
Take a look more at composite types and the difference between amalgam and composite at our blog articles.